If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.
Happy moments, praise God. Difficult moments, seek God.
Quiet moments, worship God. Painful moments, trust God.
Every moment, thank God.
Dear doctors and medical students all across India, My sympathies are with you.
You are fighting a lost battle because no government in India bothers to listen as long as they get votes from those "down-trodden".
We educated people make a huge fuss over this issue but will not stand in queue to vote on the voting date.
It is these down trodden folks who are paid by the politicians, and also get bogus voters' identity cards easily. The ladies get shawls, sarees and bedsheets while the men get booze and some hard cash.
Have you ever wondered why your name is not on the voters' list in your area while all illiterate folks with no address find theirs'?
Simple answer - their votes count. Literate people like us spend our time on TV channels discussing the fate of such issues but ultimately get a holiday on voting day and spend time relaxing.
These politicians and their bureaucrats are cunning enough to see that you and me do not vote.
This is as similar to Jessica Lal and other murder cases where everyone knows the killers but there is no proof. "No one has killed them and yet they are dead"!!!!
Has any politician been ever punished for ill-gotten wealth? Don't pay ur income tax and the taxman will only hound u even though u need to pay only Rs. 100 as tax.
This issue is as similar to "minorities" vote. According to these politicians, minority means only one religion in India. And some maniacs from that religion cause havoc across our country and these politicians are happy as the population comes down for a while.
So, the only way you can extract your pound of flesh is by charging them with hefty sums when these politicians and bureaucrats when they come to you for health checkup.
Slowly but painfully they will realize and leave the place to a fresh lot of educated young brigade who will be elected and will be sympathetic to us. By the way, long time back, my father's boss happened to be a 'down trodden' and was a IIT graduate in the 60s.He had four children - two got into premier medical colleges and the other two into IIT. They later got plush jobs in the US (in the 80s) and are now US citizens.
The poor rickshaw puller who used to take me to school in the 80s could not afford to
send his children to school. So, you see, quota is only for the few who get all the benefits and this trickle down the generations of those few families.
Genuine poor and needy get only cash and booze and lots of promises during elections.
All government jobs have been hijacked by these few 'down trodden' whose only aim is
to harass us when we go to the govt. offices for any work to be done. They are hell bent to mental-torture us for the "injustice" meted out to their forefathers
before independance.
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