Wednesday, September 16, 2009



If we look back the American History-its contribution for global development is phenomenal. At every stage, they bring some thing new to the world. Among the most important development is their introduction of Computer first in the education field. 1990-2000 is a milestone for transformation of educational system by Computer age.

Computer was introduced in all most all fields like education, business, commerce, industry, medical field and so on.

The biggest headache for successive Governments in America is-Reforms in Education to suit changing environment, condition, and global competition particularly from developing countries.

There is a feeling that at junior and senior level the standard of education particularly in subjects like Mathematics and Science need up gradation.

I met some household women. They complained that they have to sit with their children nearly 2-hours every day to complete the home works. They feel that Schools often fail to imbibe interests in subjects in children minds.

American citizen questions the government on steps taken by the Government to improve the educational system and the taxpayers money spent towards education.

The child’s development from first to 7Th grade is very important. During this formative period, only the child quickly grasp things and learn very fast and the curriculum should move with the speed Government spend huge amount on researches to introduce innovative methods to serve these categories of children.

Computer plays very important part in this research. The following statistics show the role played by Computer.

In 1998-Computer use in Laboratories- 46%
In 1999- 38%
In 1998- in class room computer usage- 45%
In 1999- in class rooms the usage-55percentage

Now the computer usage is 97%, which includes video and discs.

To day, the ratio of teacher-pupil-computer is 1-18-10 Every 10 student’s gets one computer to share.

75% of homes are having computers.

65% of computers are having Internet connection.

Computer for the child starts from 4Th grade of the child.

Most of the children devote their time in computer games.

60% of Parents pay special attention to their children when they sit on computer

Some children are extraordinary brilliant in handling the computer

The deficiency in grasping English, Mathematics of children is overcome by the use of computer

Some Elders feel that the introduction of computer at the early stage of learning reduces the memory power of children. For instant the Computer looks at -2 angles- length and width but the third angle-depth can be seen by naked eye only ( now the third dimension has also been incorporated in Computer )

There are excellent sites for children.

1.Silver Streak-V-Tech-800-521-2010
For Children above nine-years- This is not a laboratory nor fitted with window software. To understand the computer 67- programs are available including English, Mathematics, Physical Training, letter writing, e-mail etc ( Price $ 120/- )

2.People PC- can be obtained at $ 25/- rent per month.
3.IMAC- small computer with small key board, small mouse fitted with children software.

Some of the best site for children is-
1.The Craft craze:
To make dolls and handicrafts in the house itself.
For first, two grade children. bank-
To explain the banking system to the children and operating the accounts. farm:
About gardening and friendly pets. COM:
To make your children to contact their counterparts in other nations.
5.Seeds of life:
www. of life/ehome.html
6.Ask an Astronaut:
About space and space research

Fifth and Sixth Grade:

1. About space:
2. Daily life in ancient civilization:
About India, China, Greek cultures.
3. Adventure online:
4. Explore Science:

There are thousands of sites for general knowledge, history, science, shot stories, novels, nature, sports, yogas etc and the Parents can choose and feed to the Children.

In short, Computer is a world of knowledge for children and parents and America has taken a leading part in utilizing it for education.


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