Tools for this Key Factor:
1. Learn to be sober in exercising your assertion. Earn the respect.
2. Don’t hurt the feeling of other man when you say No.
3. Once you said Yes - work to make your word correct.
4. At every point of time evaluate the result achieved – if the result is on the positive side, proceed- if negative – analyze and change.
5. Evaluate your present position, study the options and set your goal.
People in all my case studies possess such qualities and hence they are successful.
Take the case of Chief Chef- Namakkal. He used to assert himself in preparing the items for the occasion and work hard to present the same to the taste of the guests. He never compromised on the quality.
The same cases of MTR- the Fast Food people. Even today they maintain the quality of Rava Idli the same as it was 50-years before and people throng to them.
Three Ys’ – Prabhu Book stores maintain the same hospitality and service even today.
8. Dream for Bright Future- before you go to bed- work hard to make it realize.
The one quality that gives immense relief and satisfaction to me that is - once I start trying to sleep I always dream about many good incidents happened that day. If I go to a discourse like Embar and if I am attracted I used to think that I am the hari-katha exponent and dream about it before I get sleep.
If I am moved emotionally by MSS songs I think that I am a good singer and start to think about it- I will get excellent sleep.
Many times my sons used to blame me that I have not utilized the wealth that I earned – I could have purchased a bigger house and other amenities. My grand- children also used to feel that I have not provided garden to the house, play ground for them to play. Whenever I go to bed I used to dream that I have provided all these things to them and very soon I will be on the way to a good sleep.
Take the case of 2- Young Doctors – Their Dream for 50 bed Hospital. They dreamt for this hospital worked towards it and succeeded in establishing this hospital at Bangalore.
Andal (One of 12 Vaishnavite Saints) dreamt that she will marry Lord Renganatha and she did marry Him.
Raghuveeran dreamt to earn in as much as possible in short period and provide all the comforts to his family and he did achieve.
Pattu dreamt to go to States and wanted to take all his children and provide them comfortable life- he achieved it.
Dream is one form of relaxation and removing worry from your mind. In a way it is a stimulus to revitalize your nerves to face the future boldly. Pleasant dreams are always welcome change. It helps to forget the bad things happened to you.
Joe- the 11-year old boy – hit by a car – 2-months in traction with broken thy bone – dreamt that he wants to be a Pilot, play football and base ball worked hard with all handicaps and achieved all that he dreamt. Many of our case studies dreamt to achieve their dreams and they did achieve them.
Bharathi- the well known Poet of South India dreamt so many things for India and atlas part of them are realized. I never dreamt that I would be able to visit States- except that I have visited many other countries but at the age of 73 - I got the opportunity to visit- thanks to my daughter.
Dream for pleasant things- work hard to make it true.
9. Cultivate Friendship and try to win over them:
What is the most valuable possession one should have? I asked my Swamiji. Emphatically he said Friendship. He quoted the friendship between Lord Krishna and Arjuna – as a result we got the priceless Gem- Bhagavat Gita.
The friendship between Rama and Guha, Rama and Vibhishana, and Rama and Sugriva is the epicenter of Ramayana.
To cultivate Friendship with some one is not that much easy as it appears. We have seen that childhood friendship stops when we grow old. High School friendship stops when we come out of the school and so also the collegiate. What remains with us at the end is very few.
To make it everlasting and beneficial to us we have to work hard on it. There are certain principles that can attract people to you. You may ask me the question of what use it will be to me? There is lot.
Pandavas were able to recover their land because of the friendship of Krishna.
Rama was able to win the war because of the friendship of Sugriva, Guha and Vibishana.
The friendship of America, Britain and Soviet Union enabled them to win the Second World War.
In all the above cases we see a thin cord running- a) One appreciates the other man’s talent and recognize it. b) Mutual criticism is avoided and c) Common approaches to solve a problem.
In all our case studies we see this thin cord running. Without the Public appreciation no performance will be successful. MSS, Semmangudi, Shivaji Ganesan respected and cultivated the friendship of all and hence they stand taller.
When I was in States, when I go out in the morning I used to receive a friendly Hallow! from whomever I meet on the way. This made me to be at ease and begin my day in a friendly note.
In my first overseas service all my Assistants came from different parts of India- a Bengali, a Sindhi, a Maharashtrian, a Marwari and a Kannada. To create a well-knit team to make our tasks successful I should first get their loyalty not by compulsion but emotionally and wholeheartedly. To achieve this at the initial stages I arranged the weekly get together in rotation.
Whenever I was successful and praised by the management I shared the success with them including the monitory benefits.
When they committed mistakes I took them on me and never shown to higher management. These all are only small acts but they created confidence in me and total loyalty and a cohesive team.
While I was serving at Malaysia I used to cultivate friendship with my counter part Mill Managers- Chinese and Japanese. This friendship has helped me in many ways officially. Our finishing machines didn’t arrive in time and I have urgently to deliver our yarn to one important potential customer. My friendship with my friend-Chinese Manager helped me to solve this problem.
Take the case of G.D.Naidu- He offered shares of his company to all the drivers and conductors and this act made his company a highly profitable one at the time of depression.
The pleasing personality of Vasundara- the beautician –and her friendly suggestions attracted lot of customers to her parlor.
Though Thangamani marriage was a failure- she was able to stand on her own leg because of her vast customers base.
VG-Provision Stores-is able to attract large customers because of their friendly approach, honest and sincere service.
Uneducated Rengappa was a successful Civil Contractor because of his total commitment to satisfy his Clients.
Jaya’s friendship with Doctor family earned her the baby-sitting job.
Friendship cultivated in hospital has helped to save a life. My son fell down from first floor in between a narrow 3 feet lane and I rushed him to an orthopedic hospital. He was admitted as an in-patient. Daily we will visit the hospital. My son cultivated very good friendship with the Doctor attending on him
At that time a patient was admitted with serious blood injuries and lost lot of blood on the way. He needed blood of very rare group. Fortunately the Doctor attending my son requested my son who is having the same blood group to spare blood and the life of the Patient was saved.
Cultivate Friendship and develop it.
10. Keep your energy and spirit always up:
Every one of us believes that our heart is working continuously and if it stops we will be dead. This is not medically correct. Actually our heart works 9-10 hours only out of 24 hours- the remaining period is rest period for the heart. (The rest is not long one but short and intermittent)
In my official career I will take compulsory nap for an hour in the after noon after food. This rest will boost my brain to tackle any difficult problem. For 3-days I was struggling to process Polyester in my mill but in one section the material failed to come in the form it is required. I solved this problem by mixing combed cotton-, which is the ultimate mixture - before carding stage instead of after carding. This idea struck me after a good nap in the afternoon.
Dale Cornegie suggests the same in his book- How to stop worrying and start living.
He says Rockefeller lived 98-years- the secret behind this – his habit of taking a half-hour nap in the office every noon.
Henry Ford looked fresh and young even at the age of 80-because of his habit of regular nap and rest.
Our forefathers have provided a system to preserve the energy and relaxation by all people irrespective of all castes- they have given us temples, mosques and churches. Always these temples are constructed with specific design and place. Temples will invariably at one end of the village and inside the temple with big open corridors (Praharams) on all four sides.
The approach is one of scientific outlook. People will have to walk certain distance to reach the temple and by taking the walk along the corridors. This gives very good exercise to the body and fresh air. Invariably this walking is fixed after the dharshan of the deity.
There is certain secret in this system. Once you enter the sanctum sanatorium of the temple, you forget about your worries and pressure and concentrate on the presiding deity. The presiding deity will be decorated with flowers and ornaments giving sweet smell and the presence of various metals create some healthy waves inside the room. The lighting of lamps and camphor, agarpathis produce healthy smokes - which if inhaled will cleanse the bad odor.
In order to produce healthy air plants are cultivated and developed around the temples. Another lesson the temples teach us is cleanliness – not only the body but also the places. You have to enter the temple only after you take a bath. You cannot liter, as you like inside the temples – thus teaching an orderly life-giving importance to relaxation, cultivating friendship and off loading all your worries.
Over populated country like us needs such a system to reach the common man and people below poverty line.
I have seen many people telling me that they are now relaxed and peaceful after visiting the temples, mosques and churches.
Dale Carneige also suggests “ Let’s fill our minds with thoughts of peace, courage, health and hope for -our life is what our thoughts make it ”
Many times I used to brood over the injustices done to us by many people. I observed that whenever such thinking arises I invariably suffer in health-some ailment creep in. I also found that time was running fast and I was unable to perform certain duties. I decided I should banish all these thought from my mind and take things easy. I saw marvelous change in me- no health problem, plenty of time to fulfill my tasks and cheerful.
My brother lost his life at the age of 58 because of worry only. While he was very confident of himself at the office, he used to worry on many things at home.
Raghaveeran lost his life because of the set back in coal business.
MK. Thiagaraja Bhagavathar died early because of the lost reputation as Actor.
N.S.Krishnan similarly died because of the worry.
It is therefore vitally necessary to banish worry to get renewed energy. For every problem there is always a solution. By worrying and brooding over it- is not going to solve the same.
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