When the word car is mentioned my memory goes back to my student days 1940- 1950s. My Uncle was a leading Advocate at Trichy. He was having a Ford Car. Whenever he was attending the court, the Driver will take out the car. There was a long platform to go inside the car. We will help the driver to start the car by rotating the engine with a rod at the beginning.
There was not much cars at Tricky at that time. My uncle’s client, the municipal chairman was having the Studebaker-latest version at that time. We used to admire this car. Whenever the doors were opened light would burn automatically.
Later when I was studying at Coimbatore, My Principal and his relations were having latest models imported from America. Cars on those times were the symbol of status.
During my visit to America, I happened to see the Car Mart at Los Angelus. More than 100, 200 cars were displayed. Many models, vans, pick up vehicles, 3- door Benz etc.
We have heard many stories about the history of Car era.
In 1910, America was an ordinary state like all of us. Workers were working 10- hours per day. The daily wages were only $2.50. Henry Ford was having a small car factory. In 1914, he brought a scheme. Since the prices of cars were very high, the buyers were restricted. To reduce the price, the production should be increased.
To achieve this he reduced the working hours from 10 to eight and increased the salary to $ 5.0 per day. Every one forecasted that Ford Company would collapse.
However, Car production dramatically increased. He also introduced Assembly line production method by which many parts are assembled by specialist persons on the line. By this method, completing a car, which was 5- hours earlier, came to one hour only. Production increased by 400%. He was able to sell the car to his own workers at $325.
By the assembly line method and specialists for a particular job brought industrial revolution in America. In 1914, America produced 10-lakhs car and sold them. Along with this development auxiliary industries like iron and steel industries, rubber industries, glass industries, gas industries sprang up.
In general, the standard of living went up, people going in for Radio, Fridge etc. Highways connecting various places were laid and due to taxes and other resources, civil engineering industries developed and multi-storied buildings came up. Along with the increase in cars, advertisement industries and communication fields were opened.
Because of Super markets, Schools, and colleges car became a necessity for ordinary people. People went for jobs 50-100 miles away.
America produces 12 million cars every year along with Japan 6- million cars. Petrol is also available in affordable price.
The story of petrol goes like this:
1970- 1990: The Middle East countries from which America was importing huge quantities of petrol suddenly raised the petrol price. From $ 2/- per gallon it went upto $10/- The world started to reel under the impact of this step. America wisely made agreements with the middle-east countries, established Refineries in those countries, and brought these countries under its grip.
Both America and the 40,000 princes in Middle East were benefited.
American cars are big and petrol consuming models. Repeated price rise of petrol made them to go in for economic models and Japan took this opportunity to produce petrol saving models, electric cars, hybrid cars etc.
Let us see the price of Japanese models:
Toyota- $18, 00 to 22,000.
Ford and Chevrolet- 15,000 to 20000.
There is no resale value for cars in America.
My Friend went to America for a job. His friend’s advice for going in for car:
First, you get an international driving license for car with left hand drive.
Do not go in for new car first.
Cars are available for 2-3000 dollars and you can use the same for purchases and school dropping.
For going to long places, take the taxi or car on rental basis.
The insurance cost is very high in America- $ 1200 per annum.
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