Our population has exceeded 100 crores but we can count the number of Players we have produced. America has advanced in this field. It occupies the first place in the world. How is this possible? It is not only the money that is responsible but also the encouragement they get from States and federal government.
We have to appreciate them for their deep sense of devotion to the chosen field and the hard work they put to achieve success in every field.
Here the potential players are spotted from the School stage and they are encouraged by the School and the Government. They get grants from the government.
The players get income much more than a CEO of a Company. There are leagues for various types of game like baseball, volleyball, football etc.
A player got $ 11,000/ dollars in 1947. To-day he gets nearly $ 1.57 million. Compared to the average income in 1947- $5500 and to-day $ 28,000.
George Steen Pannier purchases the Yankee Club for $ 10 million in 1975. The value of this club to day is $ 600 million.
Michael Jordan’s income is 80- million dollars.
If any nation pays such income, then that player will give his life to bring name and fame to that nation... The popular sports in America are American Foot Ball, Volleyball and baseball. They also encourage Athletics.
Joan Samuelson brought Gold medal for America in Marathon Race (26- miles) in 1984 and showed that gender is not important.
1999-Toger Wood income was $47 million, Martina Hinges income $ 12-million, Jockey Joyner won 3- Gold medals , one silver and 20 bronze medals for America.
There are 1.3 million coachers, PT-masters and other Trainers in America.
This base produces excellent sport persons and players for America
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