When I see young street urchins and rag pickers I used to get emotionally surcharged. Even after 50-years of independence we are unable to solve the child poverty problem.But some voluntary organizations are doing their best to give them helping hand. One such organization started by Brinda Subranaian is doing yeomen service to uplift such children)
For the developing countries like India and China Children protection and care have
assumed important problem to be solved. As population increases this problem is
growing in the same proportion. 40% of the children are undernourished and below
poverty line. More than 60% of them have not gone to school. There is no time for any Government to come to the rescue of these people.
Of course laws are passed, funds are allotted but still the problem remains as it is. Social Service Organizations are doing good services but they can be counted in a vast country like India. Brinda Subramanian enters here. With her organization – Makkal Sahaya Vani – she is able to do much to the cause of destitute children, children run away from parents, children being tortured by their employers.
Makkal Sahaya Vani is a voluntary organization. The main aim of this organization is to protect the child and make them live respectful life. This is done through counseling, direct help and with the assistance of various similar organizations.
Phone No 1098- Bell Rings. Brinda answers with kind voice. On the other end a mother
cries- that her child has not come home from School. Immediately message is conveyed
to all Police Stations in that locality. Voluntary organizations are alerted.
In a matter of 2- hours the child is located in a park weeping. Brinda takes care of the child and hand him to its parents. The work does not stop there. She goes to the root of the problem and through counseling point out the mistakes of the parents. She visits periodically that house- that all is well there.
1098- Bell Rings- Police hand over a child whom is the victim of rape. Brinda acts
immediately and send the girl to her friend’s organization for medical attention,
counseling and her stay. Like this many problems concerning the children are attended
quicklyBrinda used to visit Railway Station to find children- who ran away from homes and are stranded, pick them up and do all the follow up measures-like contacting their parents, advises and accommodate them till their parents take them home.
There is strict law in States that Parents should move with their sons or daughters in friendly and sympathetic approach and should not beat or torture them. If the children complain to the Police, they act quickly – punishing the parents with jail sentence or taking away the child to be handed over to Caretaker homes. I vividly remember one incident happened in California when I was there. A young girl was found missing and when her parents complained to Police- they moved swiftly in all
directions. Helicopter was roaming to find any clue. More than 40 volunteers started
searching the nearby areas.
In a matter of 6-days they found that the girl was raped, murdered and kept on treetop 7 KM away from her house. Police also found the murderer-who was none other than their neighbor. He was sentenced to death and executed in electric chair.
Any children living in America can contact the Police if they found any trouble and
Police render excellent service to redress their grievances including counseling the
parents and the children.
We need organization like Brinda’s in every city and more and more volunteers should
come forward to assist such organizations. Government should help these organizations
by providing building, vehicles, mobile phones and financial assistance.
· Bold and voluntary effort.
· Selfless service.
· Coordination with other similar organizations and their help.
· Police Support.
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